So the biggest week in Golfs calendar is here and its shaping up to be quite the four days. Tiger Woods is finally back after some serious injuries and back surgery. Rory McIlroy is on fantastic form and looking to complete a career Gland Slam. For me i would love to see Justin Rose Finally get the number 1 spot.
Now the perception of most people will be that golfers are not known for being the athletic. Although historically that may have been the case, modern golfers spend a huge amount of time away from the course preparing their bodies to stay flexible and strong. You only have to look at the Instagram account for the world top 10 to see they all have regular mobility and weight lifting sessions. This allows them greater control over the swing and much more force production. The harder and faster you hit the ball the further it is going to go, which is why Rory McIlroy can hit his drive well over 300 yards and you and your golf partner are lucky if it makes 200 yards. So if you play golf and you don’t have a exercise routine preparing you to play, you are seriously missing out on more yards and more control.
Don’t worry we have you covered here at the clinic. Here are 3 Very Basic Exercises for you to start straight away to improve that golf swing.
1. Thoracic Mobility
This is a very common limitation in most golfers i see ( including some of the professionals). Less mobility in your thoracic spine is a problem for a full and smooth swing. Try this exercise for 6-8 reps everyday and before your round of range session.
2. Glut Bridge
The bridge is your perfect starting point to develop some low back and hip strength and endurance. It super easy to start, requires no equipment and cant gradually be made harder by adding resistance, using one leg or slowing the movement down. Start with 3 x 8 reps and build up to 15 reps.
3. 90-90 Hip mobility
Hip mobility is another common limitation in movement, especially for your more elderly golfer. Having more range of movement in the hips is crucial to a full and powerful swing. This 90-90 is tough and i recommended doing it 4-5 times a week to get best results.
So get trying these and once you’ve mastered them (pun intended) you can move onto some more advanced exercises.