There are many different types of Knee pain, please find some information below about some of the common types.

Patella-Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

PFPS is a very challenging condition that can be very frustrating for you. It is pain in and around the knee joint, most often behind the knee cap. It is made worse by sporting activity such as lunging, jumping and squatting, but also by repeated bending. There is great debate among researchers as to what causes the pain, some describe an increase pull from the quadriceps muscle placing tension on the knee cap, others describe the pain as shearing mechanisms associated with reposted sporting activity. PFPS responds well to rest from the aggravating factors, strengthing of the glutes, quadriceps and stretching of the hamstrings and calves. Soft tissue work to the knee structures will help to reduce the pain and assessment into mechanisms of injury such as faulty movement patterns or incorrect training programmes will serve to reduce the reoccurrence.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB)

ITB syndrome is a frequent cause of lateral knee pain in runners. The IT or Illiotibial band is the band of thick fascia that runs down the outside of the leg and serves to stabilise the knee when running and walking. Repeated hip and knee flexion can cause a rubbing of this tight band of fascia over the lateral aspect of the knee causing pain and stiffness. It starts as pain during running, and the can progress to pain after as well as during running. Treatments involves assessing gait and running mechanics to see if faulty biomechanics may be a factor. Soft tissue techniques and strengthening exercises reduce the tension on the IT band.

Patella Tendinopathy

Also known as jumpers knee, patella tendinopathy is pain below the kneecap usually associated with activity. The area can be very tender to touch and can become swollen. It is caused by repetitive loading to the patella tendon such as with a sudden increase in training or weekly mileage. Treatment involves offloading the tendon and then strategically implementing a specific strengthening programme in order the help the tendon to adapt and deal with the sudden change.

Knee arthritis

Knee arthritis can give you pain and stiffness in one or both of your knees. Usually the pain is worse when you’re moving your knee or at the end of the day and the stiffness gets more noticeable when you’ve been resting. You may notice knee pain getting in and out of the car, going up and down stairs or after sitting for too long. A lot of our patients notice that first thing in the morning it takes a few minutes for the knee to start moving and ease. You may start to hear a grinding, crunching or creaking feeling in the knee joint. You’ll probably have good days and bad days with your knee, sometimes it will feel worse and other times better

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